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New Film Projects
I am working on several new films.
One is a film-noir style fiction story.
The working title is "DESTINY".
The other, "The Museum" is a Twilight Zone style fantasy inspired by "The Barnum Museum,"a short story by Steven Millhauser.
These films, and others I am planning,
explore using AI as a storytelling tool.
I'm also working on a short documentary. (More details later)
Other projects I hope to begin working on in 2025 include a film
for the Garde Arts Center's 100th Anniversary in 2026.
January 14
"A Brief History of Magic" presentation
at Thrive 55+, Groton, CT.
January 28 / February 11 & 25
Tuesdays at 10:00—11:00am
I will be performing informal close-up magic
at Thrive 55+ in Groton
February 7
"The Magic of Life" magic show at
The Thames Club, New London
Photographing and lecturing on a
Lindblad-National Geographic Expedition to Alaska.
Photographing and lecturing on a
Lindblad-National Geographic Expedition to
the Adriatic Sea aboard the Sea Cloud.
Future Expeditions, projects, lectures and other events
will be listed here, so check for updates
New Site Published 5.4.20
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